10th July 2020
As a leading international brand in ophthalmology, TAKAGI prides itself in offering exceptionally high-quality products made with the professional’s needs in mind. In response to feedback from distributors, eye professionals, Doctors, Ophthalmologists and Optometrists, TAKAGI continues to offer unique solutions to the market’s needs.
This success story below comes directly from the Senior Sister in the Eye Unit Surgery at the Epsom and St Helier University Hospital NHS Trust, who stated:
“I have never preferred a Slit Lamp model more than a Haag-Streit before in 26 years!!”
Carleton Optical, our UK distributor, has been supplying TAKAGI products to the NHS for over 35 years and has recently won a new contract for replacing 20 Haag-Streit Slit Lamps with TAKAGI 700GL Slit Lamps.
We are incredibly pleased to share the feedback received from Hannah, the Senior Sister in the Eye Unit Surgery at the Epsom and St Helier University Hospital NHS Trust. As one of the most experienced Ophthalmic Nurses and the manager of two ophthalmology units within the trust for eye clinics, her positive feedback is tremendously valuable. Hannah has been an Ophthalmic Nurse for 28 years, and therefore she is very, very familiar with the kit. After a trial with the 700GL Slit Lamp, the high-quality of the product has been instantly recognised also by other team members; such as Mr Chris Panos, BSc MD FEBO MRCOphth Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Glaucoma lead, pictured below with the 700GL Slit Lamp.
“I have used Haag-Streit Slit Lamps throughout this time, and they are just great, however when they need to be replaced, they are unrealistically expensive in light of the fact that we have 20 and need to gradually replace them. I organised to trial every make of Slit Lamp on the market and was incredibly impressed with the TAKAGI Slit Lamps. Other Slit Lamps are poorly made, feel plasticky and not solid, and have awful optics. The TAKAGI’s are solid with lovely optics, easy to use and cost-effective. I was astonished to get such high quality at this kind of price.”
A big thank you to the team at the Eye Unit Surgery at the Epsom and St Helier University Hospital NHS Trust, in particular to the Senior Sister, Hannah, Mr Chris Panos, the Glaucoma Consultant and the team at Carleton Optical for being our trusted partner over the years.
Please get in touch to find out more about TAKAGI Slit Lamp’s unique features, patented design, masterful optics at a competitive price.
Explore the full range of Slit Lamp Microscopes, here.
Choose Japanese innovation, clinically trusted by eye professionals.